Why Replacing Tooth Loss with Dental Implant Is the Best Decision?
As you know, several practical options exist to fill the gaps for those with one or several missing teeth in their mouth. However, traditional dentures and dental bridges can solve this type of dental problem; they are unable to create a more natural-looking appearance like what a dental implant can do. In addition, most professional dentists prefer to replace their patients’ missing teeth with dental implants rather than traditional dental bridges because dental implants don’t negatively affect the health of adjacent teeth like dental bridges. According to a dedicated dental specialist perfroming top dental implants in North York, these adavanced dental tretaments not only can preserve your overall oral health, but they can also provide aesthetically pleasing results for you that increase your self-esteem. Please keep reading this useful essay to find out why a dental implant is the top restorative option to fill the gaps caused by missing teeth.
Dental Implants: Evaluation & Installation
However, replacing missing teeth can create plenty of valuable benefits for you; some cases cannot use this method to replace their missing teeth. The following items are improper cases to get dental implants:
Smoking is one of the negative habits that can adversely impact the final result of a dental implant. Therefore, those who cannot give up smoking are unsuitable candidates to replace their missing teeth with dental implants.
Since a dental implant is installed in the patient’s mouth through a surgical process, those who are afraid of undergoing dental surgeries are not recommended to get dental implants.
Replacing missing teeth takes a long time, around 3 to 4 months. So cases that are not enough patients to see the final results are recommended to replace their missing teeth with dentures or dental bridges rather than dental implants.
Bone loss is another important reason that convinces your experienced and dedicated dentists to offer another solution rather than dental implants. If you still want to replace your tooth loss with dental implants, they can perform another surgery called bone grafting to make your jaw bone ready before dental implant installation.
During your first appointment with your highly-trained health care provider, they will fully evaluate the site where missing teeth is located by taking x-rays to determine whether your jaw bones are strong enough to support implant device. Then, you are sedated using local anesthesia due to avoid having any pain during the operation. Once the metal device called implant is properly placed in your jawbone, the first part of the operation is completed. It takes at least 3 or 4 months to perform the last part of your procedure. During this time, the bone will normally grow around the implant. In the last phase, your professionally trained dentists will use technical tools to place the artificial tooth over the implanted site.
Worthy Benefits of Dental Implants
According to knowledgeable and sophisticated dental experts, there are numerous benefits to replacing missing teeth with dental implants that some of which are as follows:
If you replace your missing teeth with dental implants, you can eat everything you like right after the procedure is successfully performed.
Those who have replaced their missing teeth claim that they are like their natural teeth and that nobody can distinguish their implanted teeth from other permanent ones.
In contrast with all other restorative methods for missing teeth that should be replaced from time to time for proper fitting, dental implant is a permanent solution that can provide the most durable outcome for valued patients.